Travelling Showman – e26

There was a first and second supper table at Timberley that evening, for among the people who had come out from Woodridge were a number to whom the Tomlinson hospitality was a matter of course. John Barclay, Dr. Caxton, Doc Baird, and the loquacious war veteran, Mitch Rucker, were among those who put their legs under the long table that night. Mitch declared he had not seen anything since Bull Run to equal the day’s excitement.

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CAST for Episode 26

Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer)

Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory)

Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson)

London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket)

Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson)

James Seabrook (Dr. Caxton)

Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson)

Ava Eames (Pennsylvania Women)

Jack Hewson (Mitch Rucker)

Sam Sprunger (Jessie Moffat)

Matt Senn (Doc Baird)

Rod Lechelt (John Barclay)

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